WASP Academy
This week we launched the Wollondilly Anglican Sports Performance Academy (WASP Academy).
There is a separate logo for the male teams and female teams.
The Academy will launch with four sports in 2020 – AFL this term and then Football (Soccer), Netball, Athletics and Cross Country next term. WASP days will be held after College hours (3.00 pm to 4.15 pm) and students participating in the program will be expected to participate with exemplary behaviour, willingness to learn and develop and, of course, sportsmanship.
Mrs Mozejko (Secondary) and Mr Hopkins (Primary) have offered to assist Mr Goldsbrough and Mr Gooden with the smooth operation of the program which is expected to assist students with the
development of sporting skills and life skills that come as part of a group working towards a goal together.
Please keep an eye on the Waratah Weekly for more updates and future announcements. Next Term we are expecting delivery of WASP polo shirts and drink bottles which students will bring to
WASP afternoons.
You could say that things are off to a flying start
Sorry. No more Wasp puns ….
…. they really bug me.