
Headmaster's Blog

Our Commitment To Exceptional Care

Last week I began a brief series exploring the themes of our Strategic Plan 2023-2026. The final version of this will be made available to parents and our community before the end of this year. Our Strategic Plan is focused on maintaining and improving in three essential areas; Learning, Care and Culture. Last week I looked at Learning. This week I will discuss Care. We endeavour to provide opportunities for every student at Wollondilly to be cared for, feel connected to their College and feel safe at school. We want students to experience positive friendships and to be engaged in co-curricular activities that connect them with other students and teachers. We will continue to develop our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing lessons so that students are learning how to be mentally, socially and emotionally healthy. We will also take opportunities to share God’s Word with your children. We have a Father in heaven who is the most caring and loving person we can have a relationship with. We want our students to know that Jesus knows them, that he cares for them, that he loves them and ultimately wants to have a relationship with them.

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim 2: 3-4

Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster