The responses we receive are diverse and meaningful, ranging from academic excellence and caring teachers to well-behaved students and high expectations that reinforce the values upheld at home. One response that resonates deeply with many parents is the desire for a Christian Education.
A Christian Education can mean different things to different people. For some, it is about instilling the values and morals taught in the Bible, such as compassion, care, honesty, encouragement and graciousness. Others seek to provide their children with an understanding that there is more to this world than what meets the eye – the belief in a loving and caring God who provides purpose and direction for their lives. Some emphasise the teachings of Jesus and a desire for a culture of love, non-judgement, care for those in need and the importance of humility and service.
All the reasons mentioned above are significant and set Wollondilly Anglican College apart from non-faith-based schools. However, I would like to emphasise one essential aspect that underpins our Christian Education – helping students understand that they are created by a loving God who desires a personal relationship with them. As human beings, we have all wandered from God in some way, but His love for us was manifested through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, who died on the cross to pay for our sins.
I am eternally grateful to have a personal relationship with God through my belief and trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. This profound understanding of faith is what we earnestly hope our students will grasp, above all other important lessons from the Bible. Our aim is to guide them towards understanding the significance of this message and encourage them to thoughtfully explore their faith journey.
We warmly invite you and your children to investigate and discover this profound aspect of our Christian Education. Our College community is a supportive and nurturing environment where students can explore their faith, ask questions and deepen their understanding of God’s love.
Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster