Primary Years

Kindergarten to Year 6

Resilient and Confident Learners

The Primary Years Program at Wollondilly Anglican College is designed to develop the skills and attitudes students need for a lifetime of learning, using an Explicit Instruction approach that focuses on building content knowledge that can be applied creatively to problem solving and other situations. The program is based on the Science of Learning and takes into account Cognitive Load Theory.

Students in the Primary Years are taught to be resilient, resourceful, reflective and relational Learners.

Our aim is to see every child love learning and grow as an independent learner understanding their own part in the process.


Explicit Instruction

Explicit Instruction in all subject areas starts with teaching students the content and vocabulary they need to know, as well as providing opportunities to apply a range of appropriate skills. Students are then given opportunities to apply their new knowledge to creative problem-solving and higher-order thinking situations.

Students learn to reflect on their own learning, they understand that mistakes help us grow, that we all make mistakes, that our effort is what is most important and that honest reflection is required. Students learn to work with others, to persevere when they are frustrated and that challenge is a requirement for learning.

A Solid Foundation of Learning

In Mathematics, Years K-6 students are explicitly taught knowledge of numbers and mathematical concepts, with each year building on the previous year’s learning. Students are provided opportunities to apply their knowledge to problem-solving in Mathematics.

In English and Mathematics, there is a focus on developing fluency in essential knowledge to assist the brain to focus on more complex tasks and to enable additional knowledge to build. We have a well-designed program for all learning areas. Students are given the opportunity to participate in engaging Science, History and Geography units each year.

From Years 1 to 6, students participate in Stage Groups for Creative Arts and PDHPE. These groups enable relationships to be built across Year Groups and programs to be more specifically designed for the greatest participation from all students involved.

Learning to Read – Reading to Learn

Students in Years K-2 have an underpinning concept of learning to read through phonics lessons and structured reading lessons, which also include learning content.

In Years 3-6, the structured reading lessons focus on reading to learn through annotation and taking meaning from text with the focus on LEARNING content. Writing lessons in Years K-6 have at their core, the focus to effectively share knowledge or information or to tell stories. Students are explicitly taught how to form sentences, use effective vocabulary and how to structure texts to maximise reader engagement and understanding.

Student Wellbeing

Students in the Primary Years remain with a single teacher for most of the day in purpose-built classrooms with ready access to age-specific Libraries.

This learning environment allows for the class teacher to focus on individual student care, resilience building and fostering positive relationships.

Educational opportunities include Weekly Sports, Creative & Performing Arts Programs, Chapel, fortnightly Care & Culture Programs and a regular Buddy Program.

Students are encouraged to serve each other, to be good friends, to participate in all activities to the best of their ability and to work together.


All students have the opportunity to play either a violin or cello from Year 3 and then progress to a band instrument from Year 5 which is provided by the College. The early implementation of music has immense benefits for the young brain and helps to equip students for great success in their futures.

Co-curricular Opportunities

Students in the Primary Years have a wide range of co-curricular opportunities available to them at the College, enabling them to explore and develop their passions, interests and talents.


Sport provides all students with opportunities to enjoy and develop teamwork, fair play and a sense of belonging. We strongly support these ideals in helping our students grow and participate in a wide choice of sporting endeavours. Students in the Primary Years have the opportunity to participate in many different sporting events including weekly College sports, Sports Carnivals, IPSSO Competitions and Representative Pathways.

Catering For Diverse Learners

All students are encouraged and supported to achieve their best. At Wollondilly Anglican College students who require enrichment and extension opportunities are encouraged to participate in programs such as daVinci Decathlon, Tournament of the Minds, Debating and Maths Olympiad Problem Solving Competitions. These opportunities enhance students’ learning through challenge, collaboration and creativity. Students are also supported to extend their thinking within the classroom through differentiation and quality teaching activities. 

Wollondilly Anglican College is also dedicated to supporting students with diverse learning needs. Explicit teaching and additional support at Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels allow students to access the curriculum at a level which is appropriate to their learning needs. These specialised literacy and numeracy programs are designed to assist targeted learning requirements.

A Fearless Start to Kindergarten
Growing into young adults​