
Our Commitment To Culture

While Learning and Care are, in large part, what our staff will provide to your children, Culture has more emphasis on what is expected of our students. 

An important goal for Wollondilly is that every young person grows and matures in self-discipline and personal responsibility; two characteristics that I believe are becoming rarer and rarer in our society. 

The strategic development of Culture at Wollondilly is about maintaining those high standards that parents and our community have come to expect from our students. High standards of behaviour, personal presentation, respect for teachers, adults and their peers and a strong work ethic. 

It takes self-discipline for a student to tuck their shirt in, to maintain their hair, to complete homework, to show up to class on time and ready to learn. These small acts of self-discipline create a foundation for a lifetime of living a disciplined life, a life that will provide great opportunities in the future. Students also begin to understand personal responsibility. 

When young people develop the mindset of taking responsibility for their lives, and not blaming mum, dad, the teacher or someone else, they begin to realise that they can accomplish so much more because they have more agency than they realised. 

I know that every one of your children can meet these high expectations and I know that every one of them will gain great life skills through this process (even if they don’t yet believe it for themselves!)

Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster

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