
Developing Culture

As we continue to look to our developing future, it is important that our culture at the College is an essential element of this. Parents, staff and students often reflect on the culture at Wollondilly Anglican College; in particular, how it is different to many other schools. So what is culture? A school’s culture has been broadly described by numerous people as the values, practices and beliefs of a group of people. Some also include traditions, rituals and everyday behaviours that are experienced within a school. We are proud of the culture that has been established at Wollondilly; however, it is a culture that must constantly be refined and reinforced. It would be very easy for a school to relax their cultural expectations, or to overlook those behaviours that don’t align with the culture that our parents want to see; I have seen this happen and it is very hard for a school to bring back what they once had. In our College, we know that it is important for us to continue to remind students of expectations, to maintain those boundaries of behaviour and values that we expect and to reinforce with students and parents that by choosing not to adhere to these expectations, a student is choosing not to be a part of our College. Our goal is to help every student enjoy coming to school each day, to enjoy learning and growing together in a safe and caring community, and we will work patiently and graciously with students to help them understand what that means for them personally. My assurance to you as parents is that we will maintain this culture, even if that means that some students who choose not to maintain this culture are asked to leave. If you are aware that your child is “pushing the boundaries” then please challenge them on this. We really do want to help every student to rise to our expectations as we feel that this will help them to be successful in their education and equip them for their best future.

Mr Trevor Norman
College Headmaster

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