

We have a comprehensive careers program that empowers students to make informed decisions about their future.

Helping students choose their
best future career pathways

It assists students to make quality subject selections from a diverse range of subjects offered and directly relate them to future career choices and further education and employment.

Students have access to the Careers Room in the Flynn building where they can browse through brochures, course booklets, career related and institutional information. Students can also self register for the Job Jump web based career portal.

All Year 10 students undertake a profile survey before Year 11/HSC subject selection and will be individually interviewed to assist with their selection of future pathways.

Students in Years 11 and 12 will also receive individual interviews to check their progress during their HSC course.

Students in Year 12 meet during roll call on one morning each week with the Careers Adviser to receive important notifications regarding job vacancies, current courses, application processes and news which introduce them to many imperative life skills necessary for successful career pathways and lifelong learning.

Our Careers Adviser is passionate about helping students to find their pathway and is available to help parents and students navigate post College options.

Inspiring minds and hearts
View the guides for Secondary