and Exhibition
Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts
A proud tradition of providing
performing arts and exhibition.
Dance is offered both as a subject and a co-curricular activity at Wollondilly Anglican College with our performers showcasing their dance skills at a variety of both College and external events.
The College offers two-year Dance Scholarships for students entering Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11.
Dance Company
The Wollondilly Anglican College Dance Company has grown and flourished since its inception in 2014.
The performance group is a co-curricular dance ensemble open to students in Years 9-12, rehearsing one afternoon each week. The Company performs at a variety of community, inter-school and College events throughout the year. Company rehearsals incorporate technique training across a variety of dance styles including jazz, ballet, contemporary and acrobatics. This allows students to develop and refine their movement skills in a fun and friendly learning environment.
College Cheer
College Cheer is our newest and most popular ensemble.
The group rehearses during lunch times to prepare for both College-based performances and external performances. Training focuses on safe dance practice with students learning dance routines and how to perform lifts and acrobatic tricks.
Drama students perform annually at the College MADDD Night, Senior Performance Night, National Simultaneous Storytime and Country Fair. In addition, students perform for local Primary schools each year to share the Good News of the Christian message with SRE students. On occasion, students will be asked to perform at other events as determined by the College.
WAC Crew
Wollondilly Anglican College provides students with many opportunities to engage with College life.
One of these opportunities is the WAC Crew.
Students who volunteer for the crew are trained to work with lighting, staging and sound equipment. They support all performances at the College and are vital for the delivery of quality entertainment.
Rehearsal Studio
Rehearsal Studio is available for all elective Drama students as an extension of the College Homework Club program which runs on Wednesday afternoons.
Students may use this time to seek extra support or rehearse their performance pieces.
This includes a host of specialist Music tutors to meet the needs of students who require or are interested in peripatetic lessons in the instrument of their choice, including vocals. Additionally, we have quite a number of extra-curricular Music performance groups.
College Band
The College Band is open to all students in Years 7 to 12 who play a brass, woodwind, percussion instrument or the keyboard/piano. The students in the band are passionate about music and enjoy learning a variety of repertoires and demonstrate musical excellence performing at various College and community events. One highlight of College Band is the opportunity to perform as a Marching Band at the annual Thirlmere Festival of Steam and ANZAC Day March in Picton.
Primary Band
At Wollondilly Anglican College, all students in Years 5 and 6 learn a band instrument as part of their music curriculum. The Years 5 and 6 Band has been formed in order to provide these students with the opportunity to be a part of a performance group. Students are exposed to more complex and challenging music and given opportunities to perform throughout the year. This band consists of dedicated and motivated students striving to extend their abilities beyond what they are able to achieve in their class music lessons.
College Strings
The College String Ensemble is open to all students in Years 7 to 12 who play a string instrument, particularly students who receive tuition in the instrument. The ensemble provides music for formal assemblies as well as other College events. From time to time they also perform at community events such as the Thirlmere Festival of Steam.
Primary Strings
Our Junior String Ensemble is an extension of our extensive String Program in Stage 2. It allows students in Years 3 to 6 who discover a passion or talent for their string instrument to work as a small ensemble and receive more intensive tuition from our peripatetic string tutor. Entry is by invitation only. This group rehearses during College hours and performs at assemblies and events as required.
College Vocal Ensemble
The College Vocal Ensemble is open to all students in Years 7 to 12, particularly those who have lessons at the College with our resident vocal tutor. They rehearse during Monday lunch times. They perform at The Anglican Schools Corporation (TASC) Choral Festival and College events including the Country Fair, formal assemblies, and annual Presentation Nights.
Primary Vocal Ensemble
Junior Vocal Ensemble is open to all students in Years 3 to 6. It is led by passionate and dedicated staff members. They rehearse during Monday lunch times. From time to time they combine with the College Vocal Ensemble to create a Combined Choir. The Junior Vocal Ensemble performs at College events and The Anglican Schools Corporation (TASC) Choral Festival.
Visual Arts
These include: Set Design for the College Musical, Art Club, Photography Club and a range of internally and externally run competitions and exhibitions. Students who participate in these events represent the College by working cooperatively on projects whilst sharing ideas and developing friendships with like-minded students.
Set Design
Our set design group meet after school on Mondays during Term 1 and Term 4 to help design, paint and construct sets and props for the College musical. It is open to Secondary students in Years 7-11.
Art Club
Art Club is available for Secondary students on Fridays at lunchtimes. At this time our dedicated teachers open the Art rooms for students who are passionate about art (or those who have art work to complete for their classes) to pursue their interests or get a little extra help.
Performing Arts Tour
Every few years our Secondary Dance, Drama and Music performers are given the opportunity to perform on tour! Our last tour took students to New Zealand to perform an Australian-themed collection of dances, music and skits. This experience was highly valued by students, staff and our audiences. Rehearsals for the Performing Arts Tour may occur during lunch times or outside of school as required to ensure that our performance is of the highest quality.